Thursday 20 June 2013

White chocolate profiteroles with strawberry cream and strawberry coulis


Choux pastry
100g unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing
300ml water
140g plain flour, sifted
Pinch of fine salt
Pinch of sugar
4 large eggs, lightly beated

For the coulis
300g straberries, washed and hulled
40g icing sugar, sifted and a teaspoon for dusting

300g white chocolate
Double cream for whipping
2 tbsp icing sugar to sweeten cream
4 tbsp straberry coulis

1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees or gas mark 6. For the Choux Pastry. In a pot place the butter water sugar and salt in to the pot and bring to the boil, Once the butter had melted take of the heat and add the flour and keep mixing with a wooden spoon. Place back on to the heat until the pastry comes away from the sides and take of the heat and place in a bowl to cool.
2. Once you can touch the pastry, with the back of your hand and it feels slightly warm add the egg bit at a time and keep mixing. At first it will look like it has curdled but keep beating. Once all the egg is in and its been mixed, Place in a piping bag and place on a oven tray which either has grease-proof paper on or a silicon mat and pipe to a medium size, or whatever size you feel like doing. Once done place in oven and cook for 20-30 minutes until they feel like cardboard (do not worry about this as its just a term)
3. Place a pot of water on to the cooker and bring up to the boil and place a bowl on top. Once out of the oven place on a cooling wire but on the bottom of the profiteroles pierce a hole to let the steam out and also to fill later. While your waiting for your profiteroles to cool make your strawberry coulis. Place the strawberries and icing sugar in a blender or blitzer and blitz until a puree consistency or until its smooth and place in the fridge to cool. Whip up the double cream and add the icing sugar. Add 4 tbsp of your coulis to the cream for the strawberry cream, taste it to see if you need anymore coulis. Add the chocolate to the bowl on top of the pot of water and turn down the heat.
4. Insert the piping bag into the bottom of the profiteroles and fill. Do this for all of them and then once your chocolate is melted place the top of the profiteroles into the white chocolate and place back on the cooling wire to cool. Once all of the profiteroles are done place in the fridge to set
5. Serve 5 each and on the side place you strawberry coulis and enjoy!

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